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Root Canal Treatment

Root canal treatment is needed when there is an infection or injury to the central part of the tooth called the pulp.  teeth with deceased or injured pulps which were extracted earlier can now be saved. A properly done root canal with a cap can last for a lifetime. We use the latest technology, like a rotary system that provides our patients with the best quality at an affordable cost. Our experienced dental specialists make this procedure comfortable, quiet and absolutely painless.

Root canal treatment is one type of endodontic treatment. Understanding the anatomy of the tooth helps understand the endodontic treatment. A soft tissue called the pulp is found inside the tooth, beneath the white enamel, and a hard layer called the dentin. During tooth formation, the pulp contains blood vessels, nerves, and connective tissue and forms the tooth’s surrounding hard tissues. From the crown of the tooth to the tip of the roots, the pulp links to the tissues that surround the root. The pulp plays a crucial role in the growth and development of a tooth. However, after a tooth has reached full maturity, it can survive without the pulp since it is still supplied by the tissues that surround it.