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Rn. Dr. Syed Tamijul Ahsan Ratan PP, PHF,MD

Educational Life

I completed my graduation, Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS)from Dhaka Dental College in 1983, under the University of Dhaka. Registration from Bangladesh Medical and Dental Council in 1983 (Registration No: B- 380). I also attended the School of Dentistry of Hokkaido University of Japan and successfully completed a postgraduate fellowship program in preventive Dentistry and in FixedProsthesis in1996. Masters of Public Health (MPH) North South University (NSU) also got PHD(India). I  attended many International Dental conferences and participate in many hands-on courses, Live Endodontic Demonstration, Perio – Surgery live demonstration, Digital Dental Photography Lecture, Perio oral cosmetic procedures in American Dental Association(ADA), USA conference. I also attended some hands-on courses of Dentistry & have participated in FDI conferences in Hong Kong as well. I am an Affiliate member of the American Dental Association (ADA) since 1988. I am also a Fellow of Piere Fachuard Academy (USA).

Professional Life

Since then I have been engaged in practising my profession with name and fame in Dhaka, the capital city of Bangladesh. I have my own three dental clinics, one in 45 Navana Tower, Gulshan and another one in 150 Green Road Panthapath named RATAN’S DENTAL and our 3’* Branch Jamuna future park. I am also the enlisted dental surgeon for Indian High Commission in Bangladesh since 1987. I have got a very prestigious fellowship award from the international Academy for Dental Facial Esthetic in the USA in 2010. I am the only fellow of the American College of Dentists from Bangladesh which was achieved in 2012, India Gold star Award, India. Nationally I was also awarded the Poet Sarolini Naidu Gold Medal 1995, Desh Bandhu Chittaranjan Das Gold Medal 2000, Shahid M A Raza GoldMedal Award, Isometric 2011, Success 2004 Rotaract Award Giving Carnival 2004, Binodan Bhubon Award 2004, Sadhinota Songsad Sanmanona Puroskaer 2005, Despremi Sungscritic Shangathan 2009, National Cultural Society Award 2009, Mother Teresa award in 2012. Ratan’s Dental Achieved Award in 2009 from Migration Service, Ratan’s Dental Achieved Best De ital Clinic and Service by the Financial Mirror Health/As a Dental Surgeon, I have more than 30 years of theoretical and practical experience.

In my clinic | have 12 Scholar dental surgeons to serve the patients. All sort of personalities like political party leaders, M.P, Ministers, Professors, Journalist, Judges, high civil & military officials, diplomats, film- actors & actresses are my regular valuable patients, It is noted that the former President lajuddin Ahmed, forme President Zillur Rahman &their family members are also my valuable patients. Many Dental Professors from abroad have visited my Clinic and were impressed with my treatment of the patients. Dr. Chad P. Gehani Clinical Associate Profe sor and Headof the Department of Endodontic, Professor Bharat Ghosi, Pror odontirs of New York University, Dr. Rekha C Gehani, Assistant Clinical Professor Den tment of Orthodontics at Columbia University, Dr. Jaswant Bindra, Implant Pros lesis, Hrad of the Dentistry Dayanand Medical College & Hospital, Ludhiana even offered some short courses for Dental Surgeons in Bangladesh in my Clinic by using my clinical equipment and facilities Moreover, I have regular vattended many natonal and international seminars, symposiums and orkshops onDentistry and contributed as an author of many research paper in 19, I have attender merican Dental Association seminar at New York, Francis, Las Vegas, California, Hawaii in the USA at the Special invitation of ADA. During this visit I completed sonl Ailinical taurses under world ranowned Professor. Affigraties Siman, Dhaka Sonargoan Hot pRopierth Korea, Asian Development Bank (ADB).


Bangladesh Dental Society Bangladesh private dental surgeon Life member American Alumni Association/AAA), Founder member of Bangladesh Female Academy Sylhet (Underprivileged and poor girls institute, Founder president of public health club of North South University.

Rotary Life

Rn. Dr. Syed Tamijul Ahsan Ratan PP, PHF,MD

Rotary Club of Dhaka Downtown Internationally reputed Dental Surgeon Rn. Dr. Syed Tamijul Ahsan Ratan in 1991 he joined Rotary, RC Dhaka Downtown. He was the President of Dhaka Downtown for 2011 – 2012. He has organized many Dental camps, Health care camps and Eye camps, Jointly Tree plantations at Diversionroad opposite The Prime Minister Secretariat at Agargaon on the Road divider. Tree plantation was done under his leadership from 2011-2012. He was the Chair of ‘RI President Reception2011-2012’and coordinator and sponsor of GSE Team from Mexico & Canada. He was the Deputy Team leader of the Indo – Bangla Rotary free Medical Mission in Nigeria. He is PHF MPHF, and Major donor & his wife Moududa Ahsan Bithi PH is also a major donor. He is the President of President Forum 2011 – 12. He was the Assistant Governor for 2012 – 13 Dist. 3281. He is the Deputy Governor of 2014 – 15RI Dist. 3281. He attended many International Rotary programs and convocations.